Our partners
Together you accomplish more, and that is why we are collaborating with many. Here you can find the inspiring organisations with whom we work together, and the coalitions we have joined.
The Protein Transition in the Netherlands
To accelerate the protein transition, we have joined the Food Transition Coalition. By now, there is a group of 200 people and parties who are frontrunners in the field of agriculture, food, nature and health, striving to shape and speed up the transition. The coalition has four main themes, being true cost/true pricing, sustainable agriculture, the food environment and the protein transition. Feedback EU is part of the core group meeting every other week to discuss the progress on the protein transition.
The True Animal Protein Price Coalition in the Netherlands
The TAPP coalition brings together 55 partners that lobbies for the implementation of the true price of food, a price that included the costs for the environment, animal welfare and health. Since meat and dairy have the highest costs and the highest urgency, it has become the priority of the coalition. Half of the amount that will be added to the current price will be directed to farmers who need to transition to more sustainable farming practices. The coalition has collected 50.000 signatures for a petition on a fair price for meat, that has been handed over the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food.
Campaiging with Meat Us Halfway
For this campaign, we working together with organisations in France and Denmark.
Réseau Action Climat, the Climate Action Network (CAN) France is a network of 36 French associations involved in combatting climate change and the promotion of the ecological transition and social justice. CAN France is a member of CAN Europe as well as of CAN International.
The Dansk Vegetarisk Forening, the Vegetarian Society of Denmark, is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the plant-based way of living in Denmark as well as to disseminate information about how our dietary choices affect animals, our bodies, and the planet.
The European Environmental Bureau
The EEB is Europe’s largest network of environmental citizens’ organisations. They bring together over 180 member organisations from 40 countries. They stand for sustainable development, environmental justice & participatory democracy. Feedback EU is part of the working group on waste.