Image Credit: Michael Kappel/Flickr

Big Livestock vs. The Planet

The campaign to expose the investors and banks providing Big Livestock with its financial fodder

Industrial meat and dairy, or ‘Big Livestock’, pose a significant threat to our environment, our health and our future. And just like the fossil fuel industry, these big companies are created and supported by global finance. The steaks are high. It’s time we called a halt to Big Livestock.

What's the problem?

Big Livestock – the rearing of animals on an industrial scale – is bad for animals, bad for people, and bad for our planet. The industry drives climate change, mass species extinction, and violates the rights of Indigenous Peoples through its greed for new land to grow feed. If trends don’t change, 50% of agricultural land will be used to grow animal feed alone, carving off land needed to preserve earth’s biodiversity and produce food for people

It also threatens human health: antibiotic resistance  can be directly traced to the massive use of antibiotics in the livestock sector. This industry is notorious for its poor working conditions and for exploiting its workforce while those at the very top get wealthier, and wealthier.

Big Livestock companies are major global corporations, dedicated to maximising profits and fulfilling obligations to shareholders and creditors at any cost. Their aim, with support from the investors that fund them, is to grow.


What's the solution?

Industrial meat and dairy production is simply incompatible with safe, ecologically sustainable life on earth. Luckily, we have a plan. Big Livestock relies on its major financial backers around the world to fund its expansion. We must end equity and debt funding to the industry. But first, we need to know who is funding Big Livestock. Feedback Global’s report, Butchering the Planet, exposes the world’s banks and investors that are funding total climate breakdown through industrial meat and dairy. But we need to go further – we need to expose the pension funds, cultural institutions, sovereign wealth funds and university endowments that prop up this industry. Big Livestock is as damaging to our planet as the fossil fuel industry – it is time we recognised this across society and make funding Big Livestock both unacceptably risky and socially toxic.


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