
Unfair Competition and Trade

Trade plays a central role in a healthy and just food system

Halting the plunder paradigm

Strong agricultural policies are needed for a futureproof agricultural sector. Trade rules should ensure that products entering the European market adhere to essential European production standards related to sustainability, the environment, health, labour conditions and animal welfare.

What's the problem?

The current agricultural and food system has adverse impacts on climate, biodiversity, and health. One of the fundamental challenges of the 21st century is to build a sustainable system that addresses various global issues: ensuring food security for a population that is projected to reach 10.4 billion and possibly exceed 11 billion individuals by 2100, while preserving natural resources and combating climate change and biodiversity loss.


What's the solution?

One way to achieve this is to promote the principles and practices of agroecology and create fairer agricultural systems for farmers, promoting their autonomy and well-being. This involves encouraging local, diversified, and sustainable agriculture primarily aimed at supplying local, national and regional (for example the EU) markets and ensuring a decent standard of living for producers.


Latest updates in this campaign

May 23rd – Election debate on European agricultural and trade policy
May 23rd – Election debate on European agricultural and trade policy

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Trade Justice Now! Ask your candidates to support a just EU trade policy

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