May 23rd – Election debate on European agricultural and trade policy
On Thursday, May 23rd at 7:45 PM, Feedback EU is organizing an election debate, in collaboration with Platform Earth Farmer Consumer
With the European farmers’ protests and the looming excess of manure in the Netherlands, agriculture will play a significant role leading up to the European elections on June 6th. How do we balance farmers’ livelihoods with the protection of nature and the environment?
On Thursday, May 23rd at 7:45 PM, Feedback EU, in collaboration with Platform Earth Farmer Consumer, is organizing an election debate at De Schakel in Nijkerk, addressing crucial issues regarding EU agricultural and trade policy.
Candidates include: Hans Geurts (BoerBurgerBeweging), Arjan Tolkamp (CDA), Hendri Nortier (D66), Lara Vita Sibbing (GroenLinks-PvdA), Fenna Feenstra (Socialistische Partij), Hans van de Wind (SGP), and Bart Millenaar (VVD). Pending confirmation: Anja Hazekamp (Partij voor de Dieren) and the EP candidate from NSC.
Introductions by Keimpe van der Heide of the Dutch Arable Farming Union and Frank Mechielsen of Feedback EU.
We cordially invite you to participate and contribute to this important discussion. It is crucial that we engage in dialogue together about the future of our agricultural sector. Your voice and contribution are invaluable to this critical discussion.